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Our Mission

“Empowering Man to Work”
East West Human Resource Center Ltd, recognizes the global need for employment. We want to provide our clients with world-class, personalized service and to Bangladeshis the opportunity to work overseas.

To achieve this aim:
• Continually provide our clients with worker who are competent, reliable and dedicated
• Help Bangladesh enhance their competence thereby raising the competitiveness of the workforce
• Constantly work alongside with government agencies in the welfare of our clients and workers

Our Vision

“We Think Ahead to Stay Ahead”
East West Human Resource Center Ltd. shall be the undisputed Leader in the country’s Recruitment Industry by continually providing our clients with world class service and competent workforce, by constantly upgrading its facilities and systems and by strengthening ties with our clients.

East West is an advocate of the Bangladeshi workers and believes in their innate capabilities and their desire to work, and we intend to bring the Bangladeshi workers to every corner of the world to make them more competitive in the global market.

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